Eddie Mahdi

7 ways outsourcing your IT services can increase your business efficiencies

It’s simple: every task that is taken off your to-do list is a measurable boost to business efficiency.

Imagine arriving at your desk to find that all your business’s IT tasks, cybersecurity requirements and hardware concerns have been completely taken care of.

Sounds ideal, right?

Well, by outsourcing your IT services, it can be your reality. In fact, having provided so much value to growing businesses, it’s been estimated that the value of the IT outsourcing industry is now upwards of $413 Billion.

Now, that isn’t to say that outsourcing is a perfect fit for every business.

Instead, it depends on key factors such as the size of the organisation and the nature of its product or services. However, if you even have a small inkling that outsourcing your IT may be the right fit for your business, then read on as we unpack the seven ways it can benefit you by increasing internal efficiencies.


Benefits of outsourcing your business IT services

  1. Eclipse the competition

Just as your business strives to be a superior provider in its own specialised field, so too does an externally managed IT provider in theirs. The result?

  • An expert IT department familiar with the latest industry trends
  • A fully engaged IT team whose selling point is quality, not convenience
  • A third-party, objective view of your business’s IT needs.

For even better results, look towards specialised IT service providers that offer you specific services like cybersecurity training, IT connectivity, digital collaboration and more.

  1. Keeps your own team focused.

As a business expands, it is common for team members to slowly undertake tasks and functions that are beyond their designated mode of operating, especially with regard to operational tasks such as in the IT department.

While this may seem negligible in the short term, an unfocused team member (or worse multiple team members) may be a big strain on long-term productivity. Naturally, a simple way to avoid this ‘Job Creep’ and keep the team hyper-focused on what they’re supposed to be going is to outsource your business’s IT department to a specialised and trusted managed IT service provider.

  1. Increased productivity

The natural by-product of a more focused internal team is greater productivity. With a clearer path forward for their day-to-day operations, expect more concentration among employees and therefore greater output overall.

Assuming that the external IT team is also more productive thanks to their own specialised focus, expect faster solutions to everyday IT problems. With the average employee spending 22 minutes a day (or 91 hours annually) resolving IT issues, a more productive IT response team is vital.

  1. Minimise Costs

Outsourcing your IT department means also outsourcing the previous team’s expenses, including:

  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Equipment
  • Office space

In other words, while outsourcing your IT department does come with an upfront investment, that cost is far less over the long term both in time and money. The result? More resources are dedicated to the primary function of your business.

  1. Proactive rather than reactive

An in-house IT department will typically spend much of the day putting out relatively small fires: “have you tried turning it off and on again?”

With little location separation between them and the rest of the team, employees may take advantage of this convenience and use the department as a crutch for daily IT niggles.

An external department that is no longer just a few steps away may be the separation your team needs to take initiative over easily resolvable issues.

  1. A more expansive talent pool

External managed IT departments specialise in their field, which means they are incentivised to hire and attract the best IT talent to build their teams.

With this greater expertise at your disposal, you’ll be presented with leading IT solutions and creative innovations that allow your business to thrive. After all, wouldn’t it make more sense for your IT department to take care of recruiting the best people with the latest skills to support your business?

  1. An ideal solution for small or irregular businesses

For small or otherwise uncommon businesses, demand for IT services may be staggered and inconsistent. This is where an external IT department proves beneficial as they can be called upon only when specifically required for a more tailored approach.

In other words, an IT Managed service provider can be there when you need them as opposed to adding full-time headcount to your business expenses.


Are you searching for an external IT service provider for your business?

If those above seven external IT department benefits seem like a smart move for your business, then it’s time to act.

At Centrix, we provide tailored IT solutions to match your business and its specific needs. Whether you simply want someone to maintain your current IT and communications systems or you prefer a fully outsourced IT solution, Managed Service Providers like Centrix have the right IT solutions for you.

Whether you are looking to improve IT security, network efficiency, and collaboration capabilities or want a more comprehensive approach, we can help you achieve your goals and increase business efficiency. With our Managed IT services, we’ll remove the burden of time-consuming IT tasks and keep your business on the cutting edge.


Let Centrix support your business’ IT and cyber security needs 

Our team at Centrix is always ready – we help small businesses all the way up to corporate organisations succeed by managing, supporting and protecting critical IT infrastructure.

Backed by our extensive knowledge and expertise, Centrix is here to assist your organisation with comprehensive IT Connectivity and Collaboration Service Packages, Cloud IT, Cyber security Protection, Managed IT Services and other IT Solutions.

So, are you ready to thrive in today’s digital landscape?

To learn more about our Managed IT services, book an IT Health Check or contact us today.



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